Terms of Use

About the property and bookings

The properties described on this site are private and reserved for owners, families, friends, and associates. Reservations and occupancy are organized through this site. Prices are indicative and do not constitute a public offer. They represent contributions to maintenance costs rather than traditional rental fees. Confirmation of the reservation and the amount of your contribution will depend on actual occupancy during the specified period. All bookings require owner approval. For booking offers, contact the owners directly or use this site, specifying how you learned about these arrangements.

Booking Conditions

1. Booking Confirmation

1.1. All bookings are subject to approval by the property owners.

1.2. Confirmation of the reservation and the amount of your contribution will depend on actual occupancy during the specified period.

2. Payment Terms

2.1. A 25% deposit is required at the time of booking.

2.2. The remaining balance must be paid 14 days before the start of your stay.

3. Cancellation Policy

3.1. Cancellations made at least 30 days before the stay will be fully reimbursed.

3.2. Cancellations made less than 30 days before the stay are non-refundable.